The hottest career opportunities in Artificial Intelligence


The demand of ArtificialIntelligence Training Certification course online from Multisoft Virtual Academy has grown in proportion to the steady growth of career options in Artificial Intelligence. According to recent reports, more than 50% of the Indian companies are actively looking for AI professionals to meet the rapid changing business and market demands. Even aspirants, who have skills and knowledge in AI domain, are offering higher compensation than other IT professionals. Nowadays, AI is being used in various sectors, including, healthcare, finance, entertainment, banking and marketing. For those, who don’t know there is a significant relationship between deep learning, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Deep learning is actually a subset of machine learning; whereas machine learning is subset of artificial intelligence. There AI encompasses all the concepts, which also broadens the horizon of job opportunities for aspirants with right set of skills.

Here is a list of most sought after career opportunities in AI:

AI engineer: One of the highest paying jobs in artificial intelligence industry is AI engineering. AI engineers possess skills to create, test and implement different Artificial Intelligence models, thus offering innovative and interactive ways to fulfil business demands. To become an AI engineer, you need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, data science, or statistics, along with applied experience of programming languages such as R, C++ and Python.

Data Scientist: As a data scientist, your responsibilities include collection, interpretation and analysis of observations and inferences to develop successful solutions for market or business issues. Since artificial intelligence and machine learning are key components of data science, which are implemented to generate insights by analysing data.

Machine Learning Engineer: Learning machine learning enables you to understand applications, statistics, language analysis, math and more. A machine learning engineer is capable of creating and managing self-operating applications for speech acknowledgement, risk control, client insight, theft detection and more. In order to learn machine engineering, applicants should have experience on Java, Python, R and Scala.

Research Scientist: Research scientist are responsible for detailed studies into computational intelligence systems and machine learning. You need to have strong AI background to become a research scientist. In order to be eligible for this profile, aspirants should also have at least master’s degree in informatics and mathematics.

Business Intelligence Developer: If you are from engineering background or have bachelor’s degree in computer science and possess intellectual ability and problem solving skills, then you are eligible for this role. However, from all these qualification, you should also know how to analyse large data sets and identify market patterns.

 AI Data Analyst: To become an AI data analyst, you should have bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics with in-depth knowledge of regression and MS-Excel.

 Big data engineering: If you become a Big Data Engineer, you would be responsible for developing environment for effective communication of business processes. To become Big data engineers, you need to have working experience of programming language like Java, R and Python along with sound knowledge of modern technological tools. This is one of the most in-demand career options that pay handsomely.

 Robotics Scientist: This is one of the most popular jobs in field of Artificial Intelligence, where robotics scientists are responsible for programming robots to perform both, simple and complex tasks, such as performing a surgery. To become a robotics scientist, aspirants must have a master’s degree in robotics, engineering or computing.

 Why is AI so much in demand?

Artificial intelligence offers many critical benefits, which includes automation, where Artificial Intelligence can smartly automate tedious tasks or processes without any fatigue; it can enhance services and products effectively by enhancing experiences for users and helping to devise better product based on recommendations; boosts accuracy with real-time analysis that is not possible through manual intervention; and interpreting with enhanced accuracy for better decision making.

 If you want to kickstart your career in the field of artificial intelligence, consider enrolling for Artificial Intelligence Training Certification course online from Multisoft Virtual Academy. This course has been especially designed for professional, who wish to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in rtificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Deep Learning, however to apply for this course, you need to strong knowledge of Mathematics, good command over programming languages,  analytical skills, ability to understand complex algorithms and basic knowledge of Statistics and modeling. This course covers topics such as, Fundamentals Of Reinforcement Learning, Q-Learning Intuition, Building a Self-Driving Car, Deep Q-Learning Intuition, Installation, Creating the environment, Building an AI and more, wherein you will learn the concepts behind AI; how AI can be optimized so that the maximum potential could be obtained; how the codes come is combined and what lines mean; create the environment for self-driving Car; procedure of building the AI;  and build AI that is adaptable to any environment in real life.

 All the courses offered by Multisoft come with perks like lifetime access to e-learning material, recorded training session videos and after training support. Aspirants can avail this course in live instructor led one-on-one or corporate training sessions. Moreover, after successful completion of the Artificial Intelligence Training Certification course online, aspirants will earn a globally recognized training certificate.



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